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Internal Faculty Grants 

Faculty Development Grants

Linfield University awards funding for faculty-initiated projects that enhance the scholarship, creative work and teaching of Linfield University. These Faculty Development Grants may support (a) research or creative work, (b) course improvement, or (c) enhancement of professional capabilities.

Preference will be given to work that promises to improve the quality and effectiveness of the educational program of the university in the short or long run. Grants will be modest in extent, and may be used to start work that can be continued with external support. Funding ordinarily will not be provided for faculty salaries or stipends. 

There are two funding rounds for Faculty Development Grants. The deadline for the fall round is the first Monday in October. The deadline for the spring round is the first Monday in March. The recipient must use the funds within eighteen months of notification of the award. Applicants should be familiar with Linfield's Research Misconduct Policy.

Grant applications will be reviewed by the Deans' Council and awarded by the Office of Academic Affairs. Please contact your department chair for submission details and do not submit to the eTrieve. 


Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grants

Linfield University awards funds allowing faculty and students to participate in collaborative research projects that contribute to a faculty member's long-term professional development and to the students' development of skills in a specific academic field.

Grants may support a collaborative research project or creative work involving at least one Linfield faculty member and at least one student. The project(s) should be related to and benefit the faculty member’s long-term professional development and, where possible, serve as seed money for extra-institutional funding. The student(s) may not receive academic credit for the same activity. The project(s) should also relate to the student(s)’ academic and career interests and offer clear benefits in this regard.

Finally, the project(s) should have as a goal the collaborative production of knowledge and/or artistic, musical, dramatic or literary creation that will be shared with the professional community through publication or presentation. Student recipients are required to participate in the annual Student Symposium. Applicants should be familiar with Linfield's Research Misconduct Policy.

The allowed grant period runs from the first Monday after spring commencement to December 30 of the year awarded; e.g. for awards granted for 2023, unexpended dollars will be swept in December 2023.

Student Faculty Collaborative Research Grant (SFCRG) proposals are due the first Monday in March and may fund activities during the summer. All SFCRG applications can be submitted via Microsoft Forms by clicking here, or pressing ctrl plus the URL: Each SFCRG will be reviewed by its corresponding Faculty Development Committee and recommendations for funding will be made to the appropriate Dean of that unit for approval by the Provost.


Questions regarding SFCRG applications can be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs.