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Wash Your Hands Often

Washing your hands may be your best protection against the many viruses that cruise campus. The more you wash, the better, but specifically before you eat or touch your face and after you use toilet.

Correct Hand washing Technique

  • Wet hands and apply liquid or clean bar soap. Place the bar soap on a rack to allow it to drain.
  • Rub your hands vigorously together and scrub all surfaces, especially under your nails.
  • Continue for 15-30 seconds or about as long as it takes to sing the first verse of your favorite song. It is the soap combined with the scrubbing action that helps remove germs.
  • Rinse well and dry your hands (paper towel is best.)
  • Use the towel to turn off the water at the sink. Remember, you used your dirty hands to turn the water on!
  • Use the towel to open the bathroom door. Did the people before you wash their hands?