What is an ePortfolio?
- a place to store learning artifacts (papers, multimedia, reflections, study plans).
- most often shared through a web-based interface.
- usually an attempt to organize artifacts to showcase learning objectives, progress, and competency, depending on who the intended audience will be.
This site is a collection of tools and resources to help you create and manage your ePortfolio.
Getting Started
For Faculty and Teaching Assistants:
To learn how to make audio, video, still images, animation and more for your portfolio, visit our ETCI How-to page. This will cover all the steps necaessary to produce and publish your pieces in the best way possible.
Data Storage/ Burning your portfolio:
Other Tasks:
To get a tast of how various institutions classify ePortfolios, take a look at the following links. They include guidelines and tips for creatiing ePortfolios, and examples of actual student portfolios form a diverse range of univeristies and programs.