Linfield University injury and illness prevention plan
The primary objective is a safety and health program that will eliminate injuries and illnesses. The safety and health program will:
- Strive to achieve the goal of zero accidents and injuries
- Conduct a program of safety and health inspections to find and eliminate unsafe working conditions or practices, to control health hazards, and to comply with local, state, and federal codes. Inspections will be conducted by Supervisors, the Environmental/Safety Director, the Safety Committee, and by outside agencies, as required
- Train personnel in good safety and health practices, including job specific training, as necessary
- Provide necessary personal protective equipment, together with the training in its use, to enhance the mechanical and physical safety of the workplace
- Develop and enforce safety and health rules, requiring that all affected personnel cooperate with these rules as a condition of employment
- Investigate promptly and thoroughly occupational accidents to determine the cause and acting to prevent a reoccurrence
All members of the college community are governed by this policy.
The policy can be found here.
There is safety policy that address specific hazards. These policies include the following:
- Aerial Lift Safety
- Asbestos Safety
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Chemical Safety in Laboratories
- Confined Space Entry
- Ergonomics
- Excavation Safety
- Fall Protection
- Forklift Safety
- Hazard Communication Program
- Hearing Conservation
- Ladder Safety
- Lockout
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Occupational Safety Training Programs