Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal
Section I Policy
Section II Instructions
Completing the Chemical Collection Request
Chemical Contents and Properties
Arranging for Waste Pickup
Problem Request Form
Contaminated Requests
Section III Disposal Guide
Office and Shop Waste
Waste Costs
Change Procedures
Non-Hazardous Wastes, Treatment, Recycling
Chemical Recycling
Chemical Treatment
Chemical Waste Disposal
Specific Wastes
Glass Recycling
First Aid
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Linfield University recognizes the importance of protecting the environment as well as protecting the health and safety of faculty, staff, and students. It is the policy of Linfield University to reduce the use of toxic materials in University operations whenever reasonably possible and to reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated.
University Departments should work towards reducing both the use of toxic materials and the generation of hazardous waste and should take reasonable care to recycle, reuse, or dispose of all toxic or hazardous chemicals in an environmentally sound manner. Disposal of hazardous materials should be considered only after sincere attempts have been made to recycle, recover, or otherwise reuse the material.
It is the responsibility of each employee to handle and dispose of hazardous material in a manner that is in accordance with the guidelines established by the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety. These guidelines have been developed so that hazardous waste disposal at Linfield University will be in compliance with all state and federal regulations governing the handling and disposal of hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste can be broadly grouped into four categories: chemical, radioactive, biohazardous, and material that is sharp. Each category has hazards which have an effect on safe handling and disposal practices, and a specific waste may have properties of more than one category.
Chemical Waste
Chemical wastes which are hazardous are disposed through a hazardous waste disposal program managed by the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety. The designation "hazardous" refers to chemicals or materials that are corrosive, flammable, reactive (including explosive), or toxic. The regulatory definition of hazardous waste, in a broad interpretation, includes the majority of known chemicals when they are to be discarded.
The hazardous waste disposal program is managed in accordance with regulations of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These regulations dictate specific methods for disposal of different types of hazardous chemical waste. Therefore, the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety has specific guidelines which must be followed regarding packaging, labeling, and disposal of hazardous waste. Since generators are charged for costs associated with waste disposal, guidelines have also been developed by the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety for recycling and waste minimization techniques.
Biohazardous Waste
Biohazard or biological hazard means those infectious agents presenting a risk of death, injury or illness to individuals who handle them. Any waste materials which contain such agents must be autoclaved or chemically sterilized prior to disposal into the normal trash. A control, such as sterilizer indicator tape, must be employed to assure the effectiveness of treatment. Other hazards, such as toxicity or radioactivity, should not be ignored when disposing of sterilized materials. If sterilization is not practical, then biohazardous material must be incinerated in a DEQ-permitted infectious waste incinerator. Contact the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety for information.
Sharp Materials
Material that is sharp, including needles, broken glass, and razor blades, provides a danger both to initial users and to other persons who may subsequently handle it. In addition to causing physical damage, such material, when contaminated, can provide an entry route into the body for toxic or infectious substances. Sharp material should be enclosed in a rigid container which the material cannot penetrate. The Office of Environment, Health, and Safety should be contacted for disposal. Materials meeting the regulatory definition of "sharps", i.e., needles, syringes with or without needles, lancets. Broken glass may be placed in garbage dumpsters after enclosure in rigid containers.
Radioactive Materials
Radioactive materials are not handled at Linfield University at this time in a manner to create a disposable waste condition.
Instructions for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Proper disposal of chemical wastes is required by federal and state laws. To make this process as easy as possible, the Linfield Office of Environment, Health, and Safety has established the Hazardous Waste Disposal program. For waste generators, this system requires three steps: packaging the waste correctly, filling out the Chemical Collection Request and sending the request to us. There is no charge for the pickup service and your Department billing for Hazardous Waste disposal will be only for the materials you are disposing of as billed to us by the disposal company.
Package the waste in a leak-proof container with a screw-top lid or other secure closure. Snap caps, such as those found on milk bottles, wrong size caps, parafilm, or other loose fitting lids are not acceptable.
Solid debris can be packaged into sealed plastic bags. Do not use biohazard bags for chemically hazardous waste.
Clean visible contamination from the outside of the container.
Obtain and complete a Chemical Collection Request from the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety. Call us at extension 2431, or we can be reached through campus mail at Unit A468.
Completing the Chemical Collection Request
Fill out the following information legibly;
Name: This is the person we contact if we have questions about the waste. He or she should be knowledgeable about the chemical characteristics of the waste and the processes used to generate the waste;
Date:State and federal law allows us to store waste on campus for no more than 90 days. If the container was used to accumulate waste, the date should give the last day waste was added;
Department: Departments are charged for waste disposal. Therefore, we need to track who generates Linfield's chemical waste for billing and to help in pollution prevention planning;
Phone number: List the number where the generator can be reached;
Building and Room: Please list the building and room where the waste will be located when we arrive to pick it up, not your office.
Chemical Contents and Properties
Chemical Name and Common Name: Used as the basic identifiers for the waste product;
Constituents and Percentages: List all constituents in the container, including solvents and water, by full name, not by abbreviation, initials or chemical formula. Include their approximate proportions, which should add up to 100%. If the proportions are unknown, indicate that the container holds a mixture and identify the components as well as you can;
Properties, Number of Containers, Container Type: Follow the checkoff and blank fill-in to complete these sections. They are very self-explanatory;
Quantity per Container: Indicate the amount of waste in the container, not the size of the container, using one of the following units of measure: liter (including mL, etc.), gallon, gram (including Kg, etc.), pound. For example, two liters of waste in a four liter container should be entered as two liters;
Total Quantity: Amount in all containers;
pH: Measure the pH. This is very important in classification of some wastes;
Major Hazards: Be sure to indicate all hazards. This information is available off of the original container label or the product MSDS.
Comments: Add any comments that you feel would be helpful in classification and handling of the material. Put in this section the information you would like to have added if you were the one charged with the disposal of the material.
The rest of the form will be completed by the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety representative picking up the material.
Send a copy of the completed request to Office of Environment, Health, and Safety, Unit A468. Attach a copy of the request to the waste container. We will pickup the waste within a week of receiving the request.
Leave the marked containers in a visible place in the room noted on the request.
While most Chemical Collection Requests we receive are usable, there are some common problems that create bad requests. And then there are some unusually ugly requests. Some common mistakes found on requests include:
Putting initials or the name of a lab in the section designated for the investigator/generator. We need to have an individual to contact if we have questions regarding the waste.
Failure to list the building and room where the waste can be located.
Failure to identify 100% of the chemical constituents.
Failure to identify any of the constituents at all. Disposing of "unknown" chemicals is extremely expensive!
Using chemical formulas to identify the chemical constituents in the waste. For clear communication and to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, the names of chemical constituents must be written out completely!
Using trade names, abbreviations, or "waste" in stead of listing chemical constituents. Refer to the MSDS for the chemical constituents, or attach a copy of the MSDS with the waste.
We receive requests that are contaminated with chemicals. Please keep in mind that we have to handle the requests when entering the data and creating packing lists. Chemically contaminated requests spread chemicals wherever they go. Additionally, these chemicals can obscure or erase the request's serial number.
Do not overfill containers. Prevent leakage by leaving empty space at the top of the containers. Wipe off dirty containers before affixing requests. If a container leaks, put the leaker in another container, or transfer the waste to an intact one. If you need containers suitable for waste transport, contact us - we may be able to help.
If you need requests or have questions about how to use them, call us at extension 2602 or contact us by e-mail. Help us by sending in good requests, we'll take care of the rest!
To Top of PageHazardous Waste Disposal Guide
Both office and shop settings typically utilize products that are found also in homes. Environmental regulations allow homeowners greater leeway in disposal of materials than in the workplace environment. What people are used to legally throwing away at home may not be legal to do at work.
Aerosol Cans
All aerosol cans are considered hazardous waste until completely empty and punctured.
Campus departments may purchase devices to open aerosol cans and drain contents,except for cans with pesticides or other highly toxic materials. Cans will be picked up as with other hazardous wastes. Departments which produce a lot of aerosol cans are encouraged to purchase their own opening device, in consultation with the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety.
Office Products
In the past, correction fluid ("white-out"), duplicating fluid, glues, and various thinners for these products were extensively used in offices. With the advent of word processing systems and photocopiers, the use of the these solvent- based products has decreased. Containers that are not completely dry are typically hazardous waste when disposed. In addition, toner fluid (for copiers and printers) may be hazardous, depending on constituents. Inks used for stamp pads or certain pens are typically hazardous.
Cleaning Products
Many cleaning products have a high or low enough pH to qualify as hazardous waste. Any cleaning product which smells of ammonia is likely to be above the pH allowed for sewer disposal under McMinnville drain disposal regulations. This does not affect the use of these products as intended, but should be kept in mind when getting rid of old or outdated stocks. In addition, many cleaning products contain solvents which may be classified as hazardous waste when disposed.
Rags which are to be used for solvent-based purposes should be purchased, when possible, through a laundering service which includes laundering the rags. If this is not feasible, rags with flammable solvents or hazardous constituents should be collected in flammable rag containers and disposed as hazardous waste.
Parts Washers
Paint washers typically contain flammable or halogenated solvents. Whenever possible, users should set up a recovery system to reclaim the solvent, or arrange for a commercial service which does this. Manufacturers often market replacement solvents which they claim are "non-toxic" or "biodegradable". Their use is encouraged, especially if it results in less chlorinated solvent use. Users must keep in mind, however, that the material they are cleaning may add contaminants to the solvent, such as metals or grease, which make it a hazardous waste.
Paint is typically hazardous before drying. The use of lead and mercury in paint has largely disappeared, but the solvents used in both latex and oil-based paints are usually hazardous. Excess unopened or scarcely used paint in good condition should be offered as surplus property. Paint that has been opened should only be thrown away if it is completely dry. If not dry, it can be painted on something or disposed as hazardous waste. There are methods to recycle latex paint to groups that can use it. Contact the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety for details.
Waste Reduction
The cost to dispose of hazardous chemical waste will often exceed the original purchase price of a chemical or chemical product. The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety encourages waste generators to use waste reduction techniques. If followed, the techniques listed below will help reduce the volume of waste, which will have a corresponding effect on the cost of disposal. Because the costs are variable, they are not listed here. Call the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety for current disposal rates.
In addition to disposal costs, there are fines from regulatory agencies for not properly handling waste materials. These fines can be as much as $10,000 per day, and are closely tied into storage and labeling guidelines.
Purchase chemicals to match anticipated needs. This aspect of waste and cost reduction is frequently overlooked. A substantial portion of hazardous waste generated at Linfield University consists of chemicals that are in original containers, and are unused or of questionable purity due to previous use. Projected savings from purchasing chemicals in a larger size are often offset by costs for disposal of unused portions of larger bottles, especially those with a limited shelf life. It may not be possible to exactly determine future needs, but any effort will be beneficial.
A procedure which uses a hazardous substance can often be modified to lessen the hazard or amount of waste products resulting from that procedure. In many cases, a less hazardous material can be substituted and perform as well. An example is substituting a commercial lab glass cleaner (e.g. NOCHROMIX) in place of chromic acid cleaning solution. The resulting mixture is still hazardous because of its corrosive properties, but has no toxic chromium and can therefore be neutralized. Reactive substances--those that react with water or air or are unstable--are especially troublesome disposal items. Disposal costs associated with picric acid, for example, can be as much as ten times the original purchase price.
Unknowns are difficult and expensive to dispose. Unknowns can be prevented by good record keeping and labeling, which includes designation of constituents and percentages. If unknowns are found, the responsible department must make every effort to identify the material. If this is not possible, then the responsible department will be billed for the cost of identification or classification required for disposal of the unknown chemical, in addition to disposal costs.
Chemical recycling is possible if material is in unopened containers or partially used original containers and of high quality. These materials are made available to interested parties at Linfield University. Be careful not to obliterate any parts of labels. Chemicals and chemical products should not be given or sold to the general public or offered as surplus property. Commercial chemical products may be offered for surplus if reasonable cautions are followed.
Segregate wastes as much as possible. Mixing a low-cost disposal item with a higher one makes the entire lot a higher-cost item.
THE STORAGE of hazardous materials must be in compliance with federal and state regulations. Your methods of handling waste are subject to unannounced inspections by state regulatory inspectors.
All containers need to have a label at all time indicating contents. For waste materials, this could be a simple label such as "WASTE SOLVENT" or "USED ACETONE".
Put the label on the container BEFORE ADDING WASTE.
All containers need a lid at all times when not actively adding or removing waste.
Evaporation in a hood is not a legal disposal method. Funnels do not count as lids.
Secondary containment is advised for liquid containers.
Storage limits and locations are the same for waste as for new materials. For example, storage of flammable liquids in excess of 10 gallons requires a flammable liquid storage cabinet. Glass bottles may not be stored on the floor because the can easily be broken by accidental kicking.
CONTACT the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety, Linfield extension A468, for the disposal of:
- aerosol cans
- asbestos
- batteries
- biohazards and sharps
- chemical waste
- pump oil
- photographic fixer
- unused paint
- empty rinsed recyclable glass
Non-Hazardous Wastes, Treatment, Recycling
Non-Hazardous Chemicals
Solids should be collected in disposable, non-leaking containers, labeled with contents, clearly marked as non-hazardous, and prepared for disposal.
The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety will accept any well identified non-hazardous waste for no charge; it can alternatively be placed in the campus garbage collection system.
Solutions containing only non-hazardous, water miscible liquid materials, pH between 6 and 9, can be disposed through the sewer system. Remember, though, that "hazardous" includes flammable liquids even if water soluble.
If questions arise as to a specific chemical's hazard status, contact the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety.
The items listed below are considered NON-hazardous.
- Acetates: Ca, K, Na, K, Mg, NH4
- Naturally occurring amino acids & salts
- Citric acid and salts of Na, K, Mg, NH4, Ca
- Bicarbonates: Na, K
- Borates: Na, K, Mg, Ca
- Bromides: Na, K, NH4
- Carbonates: Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH4
- Chlorides: Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH4
- Lactic acid and salts of Na, K, Mg, NH4, Ca
- Sugars and sugar alcohols
- Starch
- Iodides: Na, K, Ca
- Oxides: B, Mg, Ca, Al, Si, Fe, Zn
- Phosphates: Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH4
- Silicates: Na, K, Mg, Ca
- Sulfates: Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH4
CHEMICAL RECYCLING is possible if material is in unopened containers or partially used original containers and of high quality.
- These materials are made available to interested parties at Linfield University. Be careful not to obliterate any parts of labels.
- Chemicals and chemical products should not be given or sold to the general public or offered as surplus property.
- Commercial chemical products may be offered as surplus property if reasonable cautions are followed.
Neutralization can be performed on wastes which are hazardous only because they are corrosive (acids, bases).
A neutralized solution should have a final pH value between 6 and 9. Corrosive waste should not be discharged through the sewer system.
The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety staff can neutralize corrosive materials, if necessary, and may be able to provide generators with appropriate neutralization materials. Treatment of other materials to lessen the hazard or amount of a waste can be included as part of standard operating procedures in laboratories. Such procedures should be written and made a part of specific experimental protocol.
Hazardous chemical waste refers to any material substance that is:
CORROSIVE (pH<2 or pH>12)
REACTIVE (oxidizers, water reactive)
FLAMMABLE (flash point <140 F)
Hazardous waste is incinerated (at off-site locations). The Campus Office of Environment, Health, and Safety is charged for the cost of hazardous waste disposal, so departments are encouraged to employ waste reduction procedures to limit costs. Use the following guidelines to dispose of hazardous chemical waste.
All waste must be in appropriate NON-LEAKING containers with lids that are non-leaking, tight fitting and are not cracked, broken, or chemically damaged.
The container size should match the amount of waste.
Containers must be compatible with the waste contained.
Liquid containers must be less than 5 gallons and weigh less than 45 pounds.
Paper or cardboard primary containers should be put into sealed plastic bags.
Except for common solvents which can be bulked together, waste disposal charges are related to container volume rather than solely a weight basis; a partially full container may cost the same as a full one.
All unused chemicals in original non-leaking containers with manufacturer's label will be accepted as is.
All other waste require an orange hazardous waste label, available from the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety, which must be completed and attached to each waste container, except for very small containers.
Labels should be affixed in a manner that does not cover existing labels or markings.
Solvent labels should preferably be put onto string tags attached to containers. Tags are also available from the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety.
Complete the LOWER part of the label with your name, building, room number, department, and identification of contents. Include total weight or volume and percent ranges for all constituents.
Generators should find cardboard boxes and make them available to the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety staff at the time of waste removal.
DO NOT pack waste in boxes, since waste containers will be examined by visual inspection.
The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety staff will pack waste in boxes according to compatibility.
Boxes should be sealable when necessary, and sturdy enough to transport the material.
Boxes exceeding 45 pounds or 18 inches on a side cannot be safely handled by one person, and will not be picked up.
To request waste pickup.
Call Linfield extension 2431, OR,
use the hazardous waste pickup form and send to unit A468.
In all cases, furnish the following information:
pickup location (building & room number).
You will be notified by campus mail of pickup date and approximate time (usually within 1 week)
Aerosol Cans
All aerosol cans are considered hazardous waste until completely empty and punctured.
Campus departments may purchase devices to open aerosol cans and drain contents, except for cans with pesticides or other highly toxic materials. Cans will be picked up as with other hazardous wastes. Departments which produce a lot of aerosol cans are encouraged to purchase their own opening device, in consultation with the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety.
Photographic Darkroom Chemicals
Used photographic chemicals are typically non-hazardous, but may not be; common contaminants would include silver and chrome. In addition, many darkroom chemicals are outside the allowable pH levels for disposal as non-hazardous waste. Unused chemicals may have value to other departmental darkrooms, and many are hazardous. Please call the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety to discuss specific items.
Used Oil
Used motor oil from internal combustion engine processes is recycled through the Linfield University Physical Plant. All used oil produced in laboratory operations, including pump oil, must disposed of through the hazardous waste disposal program. Identification of possible contaminants is essential.
Organic Solvents
Organic solvents can be combined (by the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety) and reused for (off-site) fuel or solvent recovery. There is no minimum amount needed for requesting disposal. If organic solvents are mixed with other chemicals the mixture will become unsuitable for heat recovery and costs will increase. "Other chemicals" include halogenated solvents, acutely toxic flammables, acids, bases, heavy metals, oxidizers, and pesticides. Halogenated solvents should be separated from other liquids for solvent recovery.
Infectious Waste
Infectious waste must be disposed of in a carefully controlled manner in accordance with regulations administered by both the Oregon DEQ and the Health Department. Infectious wastes must either be incinerated or treated prior to disposal. Infectious waste has been defined to include biological waste, cultures and stocks, pathological waste, and sharps. The term infectious waste is synonymous with biohazard. The term does NOT include chemical agents, such as carcinogens, which cause affects living organisms through chemical means.
Biological Waste
Includes blood and blood products, excretions, exudates, secretions, suctionings and other body fluids that cannot be directly discarded into the municipal sewer system, but EXCLUDES articles contaminated with fully absorbed or dried blood. Biological waste must either be incinerated or sterilized with steam in a dedicated autoclave. After treatment, biological waste may be treated as normal refuse.
Cultures & Stocks
Include etiologic agents and associated biologicals, including specimen cultures and dishes and devices used to transfer, inoculate and mix cultures. The definition also includes wastes from the production of biologicals, serums, and discarded live or attenuated vaccines. Cultures and stocks must be treated in the same way as biological waste.
Includes needles, scalpel blades, lancets and syringes that have been removed from their original sterile containers. Sharps must be incinerated. The definition DOES NOT exempt needles or syringes used for non-infectious materials, such as transferring chemical solutions.
Those wastes which must incinerated must be collected and taken to a DEQ-permitted infectious waste incinerator. Those which may be disposed in the ordinary trash should be clearly marked "NON-INFECTIOUS" or "STERILE" and put inside outer packaging which is NOT red or orange in color. AUTOCLAVES used for infectious waste treatment must be designated and tested.
Users must develop written operating procedures keep records which detail parameters for treatment, methods for monitoring, methods for indicating adequate sterilization conditions during each treatment, and monthly tests of sterilization conditions using a specified biological indicator.
The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety will coordinate collection of full sharps containers from campus locations. Generators will pay for the disposal of their sharps. Generators who anticipate having other infectious wastes which require incineration will need to contact an infectious waste disposal firm to arrange for a schedule for pickup from their lab. Call the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety for contacts.
Infectious waste should be segregated from other wastes by putting in separate containers at the point of generation.
All containers should be located to minimize access by unauthorized persons and clearly identified as containing infectious waste.
Except for sharps, infectious waste should be stored in red plastic bags OR containers made of other materials impervious to moisture and strong enough to prevent tearing under normal use conditions.
Pathological, biological and culture/stock wastes should be treated or disposed within 7 days of generation, or within 30 days if refrigerated or frozen.
If a generator (laboratory or department) produces less than 50 pounds of waste in a calendar month, the 7 day storage limitation does not apply.
SHARPS should be contained in leak proof, rigid, puncture resistant RED containers which have tight lids or are taped closed.
Sharps containers can be purchased from commercial vendors and are also available at Chemistry Stores.
There is not limit on the length of storage for sharps.
Glass at Linfield University is recycled through McMinnville Disposal. The glass recycling program should not be used as an avenue to circumvent the proper disposal of chemical wastes, including the residues of chemicals in containers. In order to avoid continuing problems associated with its collection, the following guidelines should help when preparing glass for recycling.
- Clean glass of all chemical residues. Proper chemical disposal policies should be followed for chemical disposal. Employees who recycle glass must handle these containers, and should not be exposed to hazardous or unknown materials. Separation of glass by color is NOT necessary.
- Remove lids from containers. If necessary to prevent rain accumulation, replace with foil caps or plastic wrap.
- Keep broken glass to a minimum. Any clean broken glass should be loosely packaged to facilitate removal without exposing recycling employees to sharp edges. Broken bottles should be handled carefully.
- Protect containers left out of doors to prevent rain accumulation inside them. Water inside bottles may be mistaken for a liquid chemical, and generally makes the recycling process more difficult. Turning bottles upside-down works well.
- Pay careful attention to types of glass. Listed below are the types of glass that are NOT acceptable for recycling. Non-recyclable glass mixed with recyclable causes more difficulties for the recycling operation than any other.
Non-Recyclable Glass
1. Heat Resistant Glass, which includes borosilicate glass (hard glass or lab glass):
Pasteur or volumetric pipettes
glass tubing & rods
microscope slides and cover glasses
2. Plate Glass (window glass)
3. Automotive Glass
Empty Containers
Containers that have held hazardous substances are empty by definition when one of two conditions are met. For one group of materials, a container is empty when all contents have been removed by techniques ordinarily used for that type of material (e.g., pouring for liquids), and the container has less than 3% of the original contents. For another group, a container is only empty when it has been triple rinsed with a solvent capable of removing the remaining contents. Contact the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety for specific discussions of which group a material falls into.
In all cases, it is worthwhile to remove as much of the contents as possible before disposal (including recycling). For liquids, this would be turning the container upside down and letting it drain until no more drops will come out.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILLS are an inevitable part of most work environments. To effectively combat spills, it is necessary to prepare for them beforehand. Whenever employees work with a substance, they should be aware of its characteristics, and should have formulated plans of what to do in case of a spill, including what steps to take, who to call for assistance, what personal protective equipment is necessary, and what material is appropriate contend with a spill, and where to find appropriate spill-response equipment. The chemical spill response capability available from the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety does not lessen the responsibility of work groups to prepare plans to deal safely with small spills. Departments are encouraged to have spill response kits at strategic locations.
In the event of an emergency, the following numbers should be called as needed.
COORDINATOR PHONE Linfield Ext. 2431
Outside line 883-2431
Phone 2471
Outside line 883-2471
FIRE DEPT. Phone 9-911
HOSPITAL PHONE Willamette Hosp: 471-6131
POLICE 9-911
Spill control equipment is located: With the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety vehicle or at the Physical Plant. Call the Emergency number (ext. 7233) for assistance.
Emergency: Linfield Ext. 7233 (435-7233)
Business: Linfield Ext. 2602 (883-2602)
1-800-452-0311 (in-state)
503-378-4214 (out-of-state)
Gordon Kroemer, Director of Environmental Health and Safety Office is the Emergency Coordinator for any Hazardous Waste Emergencies on Campus. After hours he may be reached through the Office of Environment, Health, and Safety emergency number 971-237-3910. Jim Diamond is the Alternate Emergency Coordinator for any Hazardous Waste Emergencies on Campus and will be called in the absence of Gordon Kroemer.
The first step in dealing with any chemical spill is to assess the magnitude of spilled material and the associated level of hazard. No one should attempt to deal with a spill until properly equipped with adequate personal protective equipment and spill treatment materials. Risk assessment is successful only if personnel are familiar with the hazardous properties of the material they are handling and have developed methods to follow in the event of a spill.
Information of this type is available from material safety data sheets and from the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety. The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety has the responsibility to respond to chemical spills, respectively, and to oversee cleanup activities. This Department also has the authority to ensure that appropriate cleanup steps are taken in accordance with applicable environmental regulations.
The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety can be contacted for assistance in dealing with a chemical spill by calling extension 2431 or the emergency number 7233. The Oregon DEQ has established regulations requiring Linfield University to submit reports for chemical spills over certain specified amounts.
All large spills of a hazardous chemical (more than 1 gallon liquid or 1 pound solid) must be reported promptly to the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety, who will make the report to DEQ if necessary. Reporting smaller spills is not required, but encouraged; EHS will respond appropriately to reports of any size spill.
MERCURY The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety response capabilities includes a vacuum designed for cleaning up mercury spills. To aid that effort, do not spread other chemicals or absorbent materials on mercury spills. Doing so will make it more difficult to clean up the mercury and increase the disposal cost of contaminated debris.
If the risk assessment suggests you can safely and properly clean up the spill (if not, call the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety):
- Get personal protective equipment (PPE). Do not attempt spill response until you have put on PPE appropriate for the situation. Available equipment may include respiratory protection, goggles, gloves, impervious shoes/boots, and body protection. All equipment will not be necessary for every situation, but should be available. If you are unsure about your ability to control a spill, get assistance. Any spill for which respiratory protection is needed must not be conducted without backup personnel equipped in the same manner. This level of spill should be left to the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety.
- Get spill control equipment from your department's spill kit. Spill control materials are sold in two general forms: loose materials (vermiculite, cat litter) and spill control pillows, which are produced in various shapes and contain different types of absorbents. Spill control pillows are preferred because they are much easier to pick up when finished. Also available are materials designed for specific types of chemical spills such as acids or solvents. In general, spilled liquids present more danger than solids, and quick response is therefore critical. For flammable liquids, special attention should be paid to potential ignition sources in the vicinity.
- Absorb the spill. If there is danger the spill may spread, dike the perimeter with absorbent, then absorb. "Floor chemistry" should not be attempted. If you desire to perform simple neutralization/treatment schemes, first absorb and contain the material.
- Collect the contaminated absorbent and put into an sturdy leak proof container. Close the container if there are volatile substances which may continue to pose a threat.
- Dispose of the contaminated absorbent in the same manner you would dispose of the substance that was spilled. If the spilled chemical is hazardous, do not put the cleanup residue in the dumpster. If hazardous, contact the Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety to dispose.
In situations which require first aid treatment, call 9-911 from a University extension (911 from an outside line) to reach the McMinnville Emergency response Dispatch. The Linfield University Office of Environment, Health, and Safety will also be notified.
E-mail to Office of Environment, Health, and Safety: lpowell@linfield.edu